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Stop The Madness


President Obama and the Democratic Party (DNC)...

... it is time to "STOP THE MADNESS!!!"



 Obama, Hillary and the DNC continue to promote lawlessness, by various means and falsehoods (supported by a corrupt media that no longer serves the people); including creating demonstrations supported by paid and 'bused in' demonstrators (young people who did not vote, and do not know enough about our political system or seemingly care) but claiming to be opposed to Trump... whereas the purpose of the election, a process protected by the Electoral College... rightly decides the direction of the country (as intended by the Constitution). The rioting aided by Democrat sanctuary cities, protecting criminal elements and illegal immigrants (also against the law). What is more Obama is undertaking another world "apology" tour to promote globalization under the United Nations (promoting socialistic/communistic ideas, and Islamic ideology)... with many other purposed and dangerous undertakings against the Sovereignty and Constitution of these United States.


            Meanwhile, we need to rebuild America, STOP the corruption, and the dismantling of our values!!!


    Since the Clinton Presidency, and furthered by OBAMA, we have LOST our moral compass and decency!!!



Responsible Americans have had enough of attempts to destroy the moral character of this Nation and its Peoples by indecent proposals affecting our daily lives, such as the killing of babies in the womb; illicit and unnatural sex; fornication among our children; the decimation of expected sanctity within our schools; a false premise for marriage; the teaching of false beliefs; the protection of our enemies; the selling out of America in favor of a One World Islamic Government; and many other unforgivable atrocities purposely imposed on free men, and designed to remove their freedoms and trust in God; whom each man must stand before to give an account.


All creating a "SICK" society, and we stand back and wonder at the many cruelties, lack of personal discipline, shootings, bullying, drug use, rampant pornography, and more. With no moral compass there can be no compassion or rightful living. The ultimate result is that we sell out JUSTICE! This is further reflected in corporate and governmental greed, viciousness, lack of compassion and moral empathy, and increasing vulgarity.


      PERSECUTIONS against the State, undertaken by the Obama administration (in addition to introducing a "dictatorship" removing actions from oversight by the other two branches of government) include; failure to protect the "exclusive right of citizens to vote" by use of reasonable measures such as having an ID (failed immigration system notwithstanding); attacks on the freedom of churches to follow their conscience (and faith), by imposing government mandates on them that conflict with church teaching, and threatening legal action in some cases where the holy scriptures are taught; attacks on members of the military who are persons of faith relieving them of duty, censoring chaplains, and banning prayer at funerals; expanding the removal of prayer from any organization or institution where the government is involved (such as federal funding or federal buildings); the promotion of race discrimination, and attempt to usurp the rule of law by undermining the police and the judicial system (having led to indiscriminate shootings of police), also intending to amend present criminal law (proven to have reduced crime) by the removal of minimum sentences for crimes committed (including drug running); and designing to remove or fundamentally change the first, second, fourth and fifth amendments of the constitution, which will further promote a communistic or socialist society preparing the way (as denoted by other actions) for the USA to be governed by sharia law under a one world government. AMERICANS DO NOT WISH THEIR CHILDREN (or any persons or children) TO FACE A FUTURE THAT PROMISES TO BE SUBJECT TO BEHEADINGS OR AMPUTATION AS A PENALTY FOR BREAKING A LAW (with no appeal and without compassion)?


      AND, in addition, the failure of Obamacare, passed into law based on lies and deception, and now offers unaffordable premiums, unmanageable copays, and the loss of essential health care for many (people cannot keep their doctor and they will not save money as was promised... THIS IS FRAUD, MR OBAMA!!!) destroying the best healthcare system in the world -and has proven to be an instrument serving only to increase government and government powers, a disaster the DNC will continue to promote until the Feds control the entire healthcare system WHEN WE KNOW NOTHING GOVERNMENT DOES ACTUALLY WORKS!; and there are the disastrous immigration policies of Obama ignoring the law and creating an added burden on tax payers by the consumption of free and unearned services (also allowing entrance of criminal elements), all based on the none enforcement of laws essential to national security and in fact encouraging illegal immigration (when for decades immigration into the USA has been based on qualification and eligibility vetting - as it should and must be); nor are there answers for the huge financial debt created by the Obama administration... where instead of good sense policies (and earnest and honest effort) the means to recovery (after 2008) has been bought at the expense of future generations... CAN ALL THIS AS IT APPEARS, BE A PLAN TO CAUSE FINANCIAL RUIN OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!


     What is more, none of this touches on the likes of the disastrous Iran deal (seen as a betrayal of the West) when Obama paid not only the 400 million held in a non interest bearing account (arguably due to Iran - some say NOT! - but in any event should not have been released under the terms Obama negotiated) BUT ALSO, we added interest, another 1.3 Billion of taxpayer money IN CASH which can, and likely will be used, to fund Islamic terrorism worldwide as the Iran government is the chief supporter of terror!. Nor the eagerness to bring into the USA refugees that are not known or vetted (when apparently Muslim men believe they can assault and rape Western women), to say nothing of terrorists hiding in plain sight; nor ineffective actions concerning Guantanamo Bay with no sufficient trials or hearings, but resorting to releasing dangerous terrorists, many returning to combat - with documented killings of US soldiers by the released detainees. Mr Obama as Commander in Chief it is your responsibility to protect this nation from its enemies, and in doing so, to protect every American... (what happened in Benghazi... and "no man left behind?") The inhumane acts of Islamic terrorists must urgently be dealt with... as a matter of conscience, and because it is the President's DUTY to do so in defending this nation!!! Mr Obama, you and those working with you are traitors to this country!


     American's are not against immigrants or refugees; simply, ask that the law(s) of the land be applied! Regulation and immigration protocol REQUIRES medical and security backgrounds, and the guarantee of not taking an American's job to be proven before entry. This can only be modified to asssit refugees when the President must first ensure the security of this nation and act in the "Nations" best interests... NOT TO INCITE REBELLION OR FRAUD!!!



        [Beginning with the Bill Clinton Administration, the immigration system has been substantially dismantled or destroyed resulting in uncontrolled immigration potentially allowing terrorists and unknown persons to enter the country by not making the required legal background checks. In addition, groups of immigrants have been admitted, by-passing the same legal process which is needed to protect the county. It has been said that unassimilated immigration is "an invasion". Our borders are not secure and we are exposed to great danger... with record levels of undocumented immigrants - as stated by the 9/11 commission. The present policies (Obama promised to correct but has in fact made worse) are not only a blight on this Nation "for no good purpose other than politics" BUT are an offence to "We the people"... the federal government NOT being compliant and again the president failing in his sworn obligation to protect and defend this Nation and the Constitution]


    The Oath of Allegiance to the United States of America:

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; SO HELP ME GOD"



     AND ONE LAST QUESTION FOR MR. OBAMA. Who in your administration will be held accountable for the many wrongdoings, including the corrupt actions of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State; and when are the agencies appointed to uphold the laws of the land going to fulfill their responsibilities (without undue influence by you or the Clintons) to... "We the people" ???

On Friday Sept 2nd, we learned that vital equipment associated with inquires concerning Hillary Clinton's wrongdoing, including phones, a laptop, and a server, were deliberately destroyed despite court subpoenas "to preserve" pending an inquiry into her activities, including potentially treasonous acts and obstruction associated with Benghazi and the use of her private server for state department matters... itself an illegal act. It appears as the FBI have also been restrained, that such instructions and the lack of proper inquiry into these events must have come from the highest authority, thought to be the White House instructing the head of the FBI. ALL THIS IS A SERIOUS CRIME against the Nation and its peoples!!! Another example of crooked Hillary being likely UNFIT FOR OFFICE due to these potential CRIMES against the United States!!!


     Your election as President (and a reliance on DNC policies) has proven to be a huge misjudgment by the American peoples voting for you in the belief that you would forward the cause of unity of the American peoples whereas race relations appear at an all time low due to your actions. (Also, the highest killing rate of black men by black men is in your home town of Chicago. Is it unreasonable to ask what you have done? Your non-action perhaps demonstrating a lack of concern!!!). A white majority elected you to office, and in return they have a situation many consider to be a treasonous assault on the American people and their way of life. Many "thinking" Americans have a fear for the future witnessing the purposed dismantling of much that drove and facilitated people's honest aspirations and the attainment of the promised "American Dream!"


These things and more, are why we must defend the Christian faith, which promotes love, forgiveness, and tolerance, hand in hand with personal and fiscal responsibility... founding beliefs of this Nation!



              Mr Obama, faithful Christian peoples know their GOD!!!  AND, His WORD!


                               The Holy Scriptures having meaning and essential for LIFE!!!



             WHY MR OBAMA:

             DO YOU ATTEMPT TO DISMANTLE CHRISTIANITY (the most loved)...

             ...AND PROMOTE ISLAM (the most feared)???






St Paul preached to the Gentiles and Greeks - "I preach to you the Unknown God". Men in darkness do not know GOD, but many will seek him. There is no other TRUE teaching and FAITH than that taught by GOD himself, directly to the world, first through the (Old Testament) prophets, and then by JESUS CHRIST his SON!!! JESUS, foretold of, worker of miracles, who said "He was GOD", who taught that we are to first love the Lord our God, and to love others as we love ourselves; and who died on the Cross, to be raised again and was seen by many witnesses. Mr Obama, this is a historical fact... not a message that is to be massaged (or to be made politically correct), or to be substituted.


Christians have a responsibility to caringly and respectfully teach "the word" (the gospel) to all peoples of the world!!! The ONE TRUE gospel of Jesus Christ.

AND, to spread the "GOOD NEWS" of life, forgiveness, and the attaining of eternal glory (those denying Christ and unrepentant destined to exist in HELL (meaning: to forever agonize over their mistakes and loss of the Kingdom of GOD, an existence detached from GOD).


           Do you remember the story of Lazarus and the Rich Man? (Luke 16:22, 23)???



These eternal truths apply to ALL men. Only those seeking evil despise this understanding.

          Jesus said "You are wrong, because you know neither the scriptures or the power of God" (Mat 22:29)


   Christians are the "SALT" of the earth, teaching morality, and serving as the conscience for Mankind!!!

          (Without which, there will be Death and Hatred). We do not need "hate laws" but to build Churches!


 May ALL men find God's peace and Blessing.




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 "If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed" Thomas Jefferson.